Elevate Yourself To Attract Life Of Abundance, Peace & Fulfillment

By healing their limiting beliefs so that they can manifest their true identity and create harmonious relationships.

Business Entrepreneur

Hi, I am Dr Pallavi Kher: Manifestation & Mindset Coach

    Are you ready to transform your life? Meet the Manifestation Mindset Coach, your guide to a better quality of life by conquering those limiting beliefs and manifesting your true identity to create harmonious relationships.

    Elevate Yourself Hub is on a mission to empower 100,000 middle-aged individuals with profound transformations. Picture yourself waking up every day with a clear sense of purpose, knowing that you can shape your own reality.

    Our proven techniques and practical solutions have already helped countless people realize their dreams. With our online courses, tailored services, and a supportive community, you'll break free from self-doubt, attract wealth, and cultivate meaningful relationships.. 


    I'm not just a dentist, but also a spiritualist. I'm passionate about sharing the wisdom of Universal Laws, helping you lead a life filled with health, wealth, and inner joy. Join us on this transformative journey to elevate the collective energy of our planet. Don't miss out!

Our Mission

Redefine Education
Empower Humanity

Most people are living like they are on a never ending hamster wheel. I'm on a mission to empower them so that they create a life of abundance of health, wealth and harmonious relationships.


Digital Coaching
Law Of Attraction

With over 10 years of experience of learning and implementation of law of attraction, I help people elevate their mindset and attract the life they desire.


Business Growth Hub
Elevate Yourself Hub

I founded this community to help people live peaceful, abundant and fulfilling lives. The support of community plays a vital role in providing nourishing atmosphere and helping create results faster.

3 Steps To Unlock Your True Potential

With our ever growing community of like minded people, we are building a new way of thinking and living to create a prosperous future for all and a new world.

Step 1

Assess the Current State of Your Life: Health, Wealth and Relationships

The transformation starts by conducting an assessment of the current state of life and associated beliefs and emotions including its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This step helps to identify the areas that need the most attention and to set realistic goals.

Step 1
Step 2

Step 2

Develop a Customized Plan

Once you have a clear understanding of the current state, then starts the real work to develop a customized plan to address the identified challenges. This plan will include specific systems and techniques to increase your vibrational frequency and reach new levels and goals.

Step 3

Implement the Plan and Provide Support

The coach will work closely with the members to implement the plan and provide ongoing support and guidance. The coach will help them stay on track, make progress towards their goals, and overcome any obstacles that arise. They will also provide feedback, resources and mentoring to help you improve your life.

Step 3

The Elevate Yourself Hub

With ever growing community, we are building a new way of thinking and living for the new world.

Simple Process to Get Started

We have various membership levels to cater to your needs. Attend my next webinar to learn more and then get started as a creator of your own life

Silver Membership

Rs. 15,999/- ($199/-)

Basic Courses

Weekly Group Coaching

9 Weeks Challenge

Basic Certification

Private Group

Support Forum

Lifetime Membership

Gold Membership

Rs. 83,999/- ($999/-)

Everything in SILVER +

Advanced Courses

10 Days Relationships Challenge

Gamification points

Advanced Certification

Tools & Templates

Tactical Knowledge

90-Days Challenge 

Lifetime Membership

Diamond Membership

Rs. 1,25,000/- ($1,499/-)

Everything in SILVER + GOLD

Weekly Audits

Accounability System

Premium Courses

Annual Certification

Priority Support

Annual Subscription

Trusted By Many Happy People

This Community is Built With Love! Our Focus is To Help You Get Results

Thank you so much for bringing an extremely positive change in my life. I feel more confidant and excited everyday. I learnt a new way of thinking and living which changed every area of my life. Thank you for showing me a real path of success.

Dr Sheetal

Medical Practitioner

You have given me and my family members a gift of peace and fulfillment. There is less anger and relationships are harmonious now. This journey with you is magical and I am grateful for this amazing shift in my life.


Professional working woman

Thank you, Dr Pallavi for this wonderful journey which changed my thinking and working process. I have manifested my dream house and I am experiencing progress in my job too. I am living an awesome life now.


Electrical Engineer

Let's Connect on..

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